Monday 28 November 2011


Covenant University gets world ICT recognition-     Etteh Ima-Abasi
Covenant University Ota, has gained world wide recognition for its ICT driven nature, this recognition was given it via an exhibition at the international innovation fair where the University show-cased its vast school management system which is an online system that has incorporated all manner of student and school information.
Our correspondents got wind of this from pastor Afolabi the deputy director of data management covenant university during an interview concerning the exhibition in Stockholm Sweden where he represented and show-cased the covenant university management system software ashis invention for the international innovation fair.
The software according to Mr. Afolabi is an imcorporation of various stand-alone systems for admission, registration, result, disciplinary issues and all sorts of information concerning students of covenant university.
At the end of the competition/ exhibition, the university was awarded a bronze medal by the Sweden association of inventors and a gold medal by the Iranian association of inventors who thought covenant university had the best exhibition.


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