Monday 28 November 2011


Compiled by Akanyi Marvin Terwase
 Reporters: Okay so sirs please first of all, can you give us a brief background of yourself?
Pastor Afolabi: My name is pastor afolabi abolade. I am a programmer by profession, when I mean programming I hope you understand what that means? Okay. And I’m privileged to work with covenant university and I’m the deputy director , data management here and we are basically into data management and software design and production, and that’s how we came about ehh, for quiet sometime we’ve being managing data of the school ranging from registration data, result data, every kind of data that you can imagine for the school because all other units depend on the information to really run and so we do the keeping, the processing of data here so that we could easily dish out information for appropriate usage in other departments. And with that over the years we have being able to, you are really sitting on a bank of data and we have made use of that to grow even ourselves a newer technology. It wasn’t like this we started off with. We started off with things like the stand alone. We just build one thing for registration on its own alone, we build some other thing for result processing and build that for finance and all of that scattered around standing alone but we have being able over the period to now, integrate them on a particular platform. And that platform is what we call the school management system. The school management system because we have being able to retouch on registration, linking that to result, linking that with finance and then several other platforms, Admission and so all of that put together now reside on a platform; Such that you can call up a student and know his registration status at a click, you can get to know his result status and financial status and all other information. Disciplinary status, you know all at a go. That integrates all of the stand alone put together. We have also seen over the time, for some time we, at the beginning when we started, we found out that we were no longer cooping at some point so, we invited a third party to help us in the process that’s when we had socket works. It’s a company, a software company that came onboard to help us with the registration and the payment system and all of that. But at some point, we found out that there were several deficiencies. They weren’t able to coop with the level of information we wanted them to deliver. Here, you know there is no night, there is no day. When they ask for something by twelve o’clock midnight, they want you to deliver before morning because another request is coming in the morning. Don’t use that to distract this other moment. So you can’t push an external company that way, they have their own time schedule. So we saw that we needed to really work hard in other to catch up with them. That was just what happened.
Reporters: Thank you, ehh please we want to know about the event, where you went to represent Covenant University.
Pastor Afolabi: Okay yes. During the AVCNU that we hosted here, we showcased what we had, the school management system/ learning system. And then one, he is a pastor in the commission though, but he is the president of Nigerian association for invention. He caught a glimpse on it and he felt it was worth showcasing on a wider and higher note. So at some point, he approached me and told me about it. I told him, anyway it’s no problem, but if we are going outside of the nation, because that was how he depicted it, he didn’t tell exactly where, probably he didn’t know but I was thinking okay am I going to start gathering money and personal advance. So I said no problem, when the time comes, he should just let me know. Well I think at the point, he went to the vice-chancellor and presented the case for it. And then the VC was well interested in that and said why not. So but first, it all began from the AVCNU exhibition stand that from there the school decided to adapt. That’s why you find out that it was now an international innovation fair. Display of several inventions across the world. We were also invited, we bought a stand, and the covenant university bought a stand there. We went to defend this as judges and all of them who go round and we defended what we had.
Reporters: Sir was covenant university representing Nigeria or it was there on its own?
Pastor Afolabi: In fact it was actually not only representing Nigeria but representing Africa. Because we were the only representation from Africa.
Reporters: What do you call the name again, of the exhibition?
Pastor Afolabi: International innovation fair; Stockholm 2011.
Reporters: So where was this event hosted?
Pastor Afolabi: It was hosted in Stockholm; Stockholm is the capital of Sweden.
Reporters: What are basically the functions of the software?
Pastor Afolabi: Yeah. It’s begins with admission, purchase of form. We built that in house. A couple of programmers, it’s not only myself; it’s a joint work with in house. So you have admission forms, we sell it. And they book for their examination date and they sit the E examination which is also in house built, that’s the software. Those are all of them put together is what we showcased and then of course the admission process which is also in house built software it does the processing and the selection process and after that is done, you know you’re accepted and then registration begins. It’s a link. From there registration, you conclude registration you go and then the result is now collated. You know it’s a link of a number of modules.
Reporters: So sir, at the event, what was our standing; our position at the exhibition?
Pastor Afolabi: Okay. At the exhibition, there are several associations that were there, who also presented to judges and are also free to give awards. But the emm... Sweden itself that is the Sweden association of inventors was the ones who really you know ehm...hold that gathering. They gave a bronze prize and then there is this Iranian association of inventors who felt our presentation was really the best computer presentation so they gave us the first prize. So we had two awards.
Reporters: Okay. So the software now, is it commerciable, are you selling it out or it’s only for covenant university?
Pastor Afolabi: Meanwhile, it was actually customized for Covenant University. But, in fact those where one of the things that were asked at that time, that we needed to patent it and do one or two other things that we’re really on right now so that we can bring it on a commercial level. By God’s special grace, person, universities asking and ironing what we have so we have to ensure that it is well patented and then we’ll start pushing it out for commercial purposes.
Reporters: Sir, that’s really all.
Pastor Afolabi: Well beautiful
Reporters: Thank you so much sir.
Pastor Afolabi: it has been nice having you. 


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